Washington Post Sunday Magazine editor Tom Shroder announces the new column The XX Files. I will be one of its contributing writers. My first story, Virtual Violations, will appear August 10, 2008. Stay tuned!
Editor's Note
By Tom Shroder
Sunday, July 13, 2008; Page W02
Ten months ago, I issued an invitation in this space: "If you think you can write a magazine column with personality, fresh insight, keen observation and an original take on the tumultuous times in which we find ourselves, we want to hear from you." And, if that weren't asking enough, I indicated that we were looking for someone with "a vivid sense of self, keenly aware without being self-glorifying. Honest. Revealing. Provocative." ........ Read more here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/08/AR2008070801925.html